Customized therapeutic massage sessions utilize a variety of techniques ranging from deep tissue, myofascial release, trigger-point therapy, Swedish massage, and Shiatsu. Hot towels are included.
$125 / $150 / $175
Available in 60, 75, or 90 minute sessions
These sessions seamlessly blend a combination of manual and energetic work to address both the hardware and the software of the body. Sessions will combine massage with Reiki, biodynamic craniosacral therapy, and/or SourcePoint Therapy, based on the individual. I find that working this way yields the most holistic results as were are addressing both the physical and the subtle bodies.
$120 / $140 / $160
Available in 60, 75, or 90 minute sessions
Therapeutic massage sessions geared towards those who are expecting! Ample props and pillows are utilized to safely and comfortably support the pregnant body in side-lying and semi-recumbent positioning.
$130 / $150 / $170
Available in 60, 75, or 90 minute sessions
Energetic sessions done in person, on the table, while clothed. Possible modalities include: Reiki, SourcePoint Therapy, and/or biodynamic craniosacral therapy. Light, non-invasive hands-on contact is often involved, although the work can be performed hands-off as well.
Energetic sessions are 60 minutes
Distance sessions are just like they sound: energetic work performed at a distance. These sessions are done over the phone or FaceTime. Through the context of SourcePoint Therapy™, we work with geometric pattern to organize and clarify the structure of our energy field to realign with a pattern of health and strengthen our connection to the Blueprint of Health for the human being.
Distance sessions are 60 minutes